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Women in the workplace | RED Global Q&A session with Selina Nicolosi

17th March 2022


For our 3rd interview for International Women’s Day 2022, we have Selina Nicolosi from New Jersey. Selina joined RED Global in the US in 2015 as an Office Manager. Over the years, Selina moved into a recruiting role and was recently promoted to Account Manager. 

Here we talk to Selina about gender bias and the obstacles women face in recruitment. Selina talks about the challenges of balancing her emotions at work, and reveals how important it is for women to realise their own power. 

1. What’s the most exciting thing about your job?

      The most exciting thing to this role is the relationships built over time with both candidates and clients.

2. Do you ever consider yourself to be a role model for other women at RED?


Absolutely! I came into this business with no experience and really didn’t plan on staying more than a year after starting as an Office Manager. After seeing the growth that can happen financially and professionally, I realized I needed to stay and see where this company could take me. I think many young women could relate to my story. If I could do it, they can too.

3. What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your career?  


By far the biggest challenge for me is not being too emotional with the job. I’m Italian, so I go big whether that’s closing a deal and celebrating or sulking because of a deal falling through. Over the years I’d like to think I’ve perfected being in the middle and really managing those emotions-and even gotten quite good I would say!

4. Do you think that being female has ever worked for or against you in business?


I think sales in general is a great place for a woman to be today. We have much more power than we think. However, I do think starting can be tough in a room full of men who may not think we will speak up. 

5. Do you feel there is gender bias in the workplace?


 I do still think there is gender bias in the workplace, but I have seen more opportunity and seats at the table for women more recently. I think we need more women at the top to show the newer females that they can get there too and getting some help from top female leaders doesn’t hurt either!

6. Have you experienced gender bias throughout your career? If so, how did you overcome it or how are you managing it?


In the past, I have been told that I was too emotional if I didn’t like plans being made or rules being set. The way I manage it is by staying calm and showing up with facts and/or reasons as to why I think the way I do.  Sometimes no matter what gender you are the chips don’t fall your way. But if even after I state facts and figures it doesn’t go my way, I must assume the decisions being made are for the betterment of the business and nothing based on gender. 

7. What do you think are the biggest obstacles that a woman working in recruitment, or in any other business faces?


The biggest obstacles would be speaking up and standing up for what you think and feel in a male dominated industry. It’s important to not let anyone intimidate you or affect your thoughts and feelings.

8. Do you feel that women have the same opportunities as men?

I think it’s getting better, but we have a long way to go to say it’s 50/50.

9. Do you think it is harder for a woman to grow her career and have a personal life? And if so, how can we overcome these challenges?

I definitely think it’s more difficult for women to evolve as it gets harder to find that balance as we grow in both areas.  It’s important to have a team you can trust and rely on in times when your personal life needs more attention and important to set boundaries for when your professional life needs more of you.

10. Is there anything that men could do to support women in the workplace and to reduce bias?

I think even though there are more women now in decision making positions, generally speaking, women’s voices are not always being heard. So, I think we would all benefit if men listened more to what women have to say.

11. Do you have any role model women that you would advise women start paying attention to?

First and foremost, my mother is ALWAYS a role model for my personal and professional life.  She taught me to be a strong independent woman and she gave me three older brothers who prepared me for the workplace and how to keep my seat at the table. I am also a big fan of Ruth Bader Ginsburg of course, as she paved the way for women in many aspects of life. Even though she’s no longer here, she’s definitely someone to look up to everyday when thinking about gender equality.  

12. What advice would you give to a woman at the beginning of her career?

I would always advise a woman starting her career to stand up and speak up for what she believes in no matter who agrees with her or not. It’s important to speak your truth.

Thank you Selina. It sounds like you’re doing a great job encouraging women to be more confident and have their say.  

It’s interesting that Selina talks about having to manage her emotions more as a woman.  According to recent , men are twice as likely to get emotional at work for not having their ideas realised or for being criticised. Men are also three times more likely to get emotional over a project being cancelled. Men just have a different way of displaying their emotions to women. Where a woman might cry from being angry, a man may shout or quit his job. Perhaps it’s time we stop throwing the words ‘emotional’ around the office as an insult and understand it’s human nature?

As an employer, what do you do to manage your emotional culture and create an environment where your employees can express how they feel safely?

If you are thinking of starting a career in recruitment, you can get in touch with us and find out more about how we can help you.

If you enjoyed this interview, check out our other Women in Tech and Women in the Workplace interviews, by clicking the links below.

Agathe Large

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